Looking for resources when creating your offline series'? Below you will find several categories for resources and websites that can help you in creating offline series from driver names, sponsors, numbers, etc.
Don't forget along with this thread to check out the resource section which has a few pinned threads as well for car painting resources.
Number Generators
Resources that can generate random #'s to help you decide what number to use when needing to create fictional paint schemes:
Driver Name Generators
Resources that can generate random driver names to help you decide what name to use when needing to create fictional drivers:
Color pickers
Resources to help you decide the color palette to paint a fictional car:
Resources that can randomize lists of text or randomly choose a file. These are helpful if you ave a list of manufacturers for example and need to choose one. Or you want to randomly choose a track to race on the file dice program can choose a file at random:
Don't forget along with this thread to check out the resource section which has a few pinned threads as well for car painting resources.
Number Generators
Resources that can generate random #'s to help you decide what number to use when needing to create fictional paint schemes:

Number Generator
Generate numbers of all kinds! Specify your options in the form below then click Generate to get a list of random numbers matching the criteria.

Driver Name Generators
Resources that can generate random driver names to help you decide what name to use when needing to create fictional drivers:

Random Name Generator — Generated full names
Generate a quick list of random names. Name a character. Make up a person. Rename yourself. Also limit it to generate just male, female, first, or last names.

Random Name Generator
This random name generator can suggest names for babies, characters, or anything else that needs naming.

Name Generator
Generate first and last names using keywords and categories or fetch some at random. Filter, sort and play.

Color pickers
Resources to help you decide the color palette to paint a fictional car:

Coolors - The super fast color palettes generator!
Generate or browse beautiful color combinations for your designs.

Random Color Generator
Generate random colors to get your creative juices flowing. Besides the color names, we also show you the RAL, RGB and HEX codes for each color. This should help a lot when developing websites/apps.
Resources that can randomize lists of text or randomly choose a file. These are helpful if you ave a list of manufacturers for example and need to choose one. Or you want to randomly choose a track to race on the file dice program can choose a file at random:
RANDOM.ORG - List Randomizer
This page allows you to randomize lists of strings using true randomness, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.

FileDice: random file opener

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