Mod creation progress

Aug 14, 2023
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I know we should stay below 8k poly preferably, but is this for just one car model? My entire mod is around 7k polys. However, this is only when body_0 is enabled. If all 4 bodies (4 brands) are activated, the poly count is way over 8k (like 30k).

Also, there is something strange about the 3D model. As I said, the polygon count is around 7k, but the vertex count is around 20k for some models. Is this a problem? You can see it here:

Thanks in advance!
Each make can be around 7-8k for LOD1 (if you really want to push it, but recommend being aggressive on the LODs to reduce poly count). The entire mod will be thousands and thousands of polys in the 3ds and PAS scene once you make the other LOD levels and such but these don't all render at the same time in NR2003. For example all 43 cars on track will not be LOD1 (unless you never made Lods) which would crash the game if it was. Usually cars much farther back will be at LOD11 and only be a box at that pint being 4-8 verts.

I can't tell the detail on the mod totally since its in silhouette mode but the wheel wells look pretty detailed for NR2003 mod. Usually holes like that would be done with transparency map or textures.
Some progress on the conversion. I'm currently at this state. Do you think the poly counts is good?

Definitely on the high end for the older gen cars, you'll have to have pretty aggressive on the LODs for the mod the be raceable on the more high end tracks in a full field.
Definitely on the high end for the older gen cars, you'll have to have pretty aggressive on the LODs for the mod the be raceable on the more high end tracks in a full field.
When you're saying to be agressive on the lods, do you say I need to make a lot of lods or only fews, but with very low poly?
I mean more about reducing the poly count per each lower level as much as you can. For example if LOD1 is 6k tris for a mod LOD3 (or whatever you called it) should go straight down to 3-4k, then LOD5 2k, LOD7 1k and LOD9/11 would be just a few hundred or mostly a box for the car body. Each lower lod you multi-res modifier each part and remove parts of the mesh you wouldn't see at those distances to improve performance.
I mean more about reducing the poly count per each lower level as much as you can. For example if LOD1 is 6k tris for a mod LOD3 (or whatever you called it) should go straight down to 3-4k, then LOD5 2k, LOD7 1k and LOD9/11 would be just a few hundred or mostly a box for the car body. Each lower lod you multi-res modifier each part and remove parts of the mesh you wouldn't see at those distances to improve performance.
Good. Gonna check this. Thank you again
I mean more about reducing the poly count per each lower level as much as you can. For example if LOD1 is 6k tris for a mod LOD3 (or whatever you called it) should go straight down to 3-4k, then LOD5 2k, LOD7 1k and LOD9/11 would be just a few hundred or mostly a box for the car body. Each lower lod you multi-res modifier each part and remove parts of the mesh you wouldn't see at those distances to improve performance.
Do you think these lods will be ok or I need to be even more agressive on them?






Not a bad start. I personally would take LOD2 to replace LOD1, then LOD3 for LOD2, and so on and so forth. By the time you get down to LOD9 it can just be a rectangle with a little shape where you UV map it to the template so the car colors shows the most. It will be so far away all you can see is a color block in the distance anyways.

The main thing is testing the LOD levels in-game both when racing and replay modes. You'll see how much (or little) detail is really needed on the models and if the game crashes with 43+ cars on high end BBMC tracks. Even my ICR development thread is a little off as with my 1.2 released version I went even more aggressive on the detail reduction for most of the LODs.

Since its just a multi-res modifier in 3ds max there is no harm if you go too far or not far enough in LOD reductions, can just increase or decrease the amount then test again in game.

The main reason I stress it so much is I've found more reduction is better and even with ICR I wish I went farther but it would require the mod to be rebuilt more so I could reduce pieces more. With my GoKart mod it was extremely performance friendly but is a smaller mod in general so reduction starting with LOD0 was easy as LOD0 was like half the poly count as ICR LOD0, So going forward I focus on making LOD0 still high detail but taking every advantage to make the poly count reduced where it doesn't need hyper detail that even in LOD0 can't be seen when racing or replay mode (using textures to give detail is a great way to reduce polys but still make a model piece look high detail).

Since you are in the development phase this is essentially your chance to seize the opportunity to make a very performance friendly mod without having to go back and fix things as you'll soon find out its quite easy to crash NR2003 with a high detail mod lol

Also a side note, I notice the body has faceted edges, assuming you will be normal smoothing those?
Not a bad start. I personally would take LOD2 to replace LOD1, then LOD3 for LOD2, and so on and so forth. By the time you get down to LOD9 it can just be a rectangle with a little shape where you UV map it to the template so the car colors shows the most. It will be so far away all you can see is a color block in the distance anyways.

The main thing is testing the LOD levels in-game both when racing and replay modes. You'll see how much (or little) detail is really needed on the models and if the game crashes with 43+ cars on high end BBMC tracks. Even my ICR development thread is a little off as with my 1.2 released version I went even more aggressive on the detail reduction for most of the LODs.

Since its just a multi-res modifier in 3ds max there is no harm if you go too far or not far enough in LOD reductions, can just increase or decrease the amount then test again in game.

The main reason I stress it so much is I've found more reduction is better and even with ICR I wish I went farther but it would require the mod to be rebuilt more so I could reduce pieces more. With my GoKart mod it was extremely performance friendly but is a smaller mod in general so reduction starting with LOD0 was easy as LOD0 was like half the poly count as ICR LOD0, So going forward I focus on making LOD0 still high detail but taking every advantage to make the poly count reduced where it doesn't need hyper detail that even in LOD0 can't be seen when racing or replay mode (using textures to give detail is a great way to reduce polys but still make a model piece look high detail).

Since you are in the development phase this is essentially your chance to seize the opportunity to make a very performance friendly mod without having to go back and fix things as you'll soon find out its quite easy to crash NR2003 with a high detail mod lol

Also a side note, I notice the body has faceted edges, assuming you will be normal smoothing those?
Yeah, I decided to redo all the lods to be more performance friendly.

For the faceted edges, I would like to smooth them, but can't find the option in 3ds max 8. Maybe you know where it is?

Also, thank you very much for your help

Edit: I actually found the smoothing option.
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I'm currently trying to import it in-game (with no lods) and after retry it with the lods. However, I got an error saying that the source file contain no shapes. Is there something wrong with the textures? I saw that on Burnout3d video, Burnout didn't get this error, but was actually using only 3 textures.

I'll join a picture of 3dsmax8 with textures opened, the psg file in question and the error itself.

Thanks in advance and sorry for having so much questions.

What is your PAS file called? is it car.PAS?

Also make3do.exe does not need the textures to compile. It only looks at the PAS file (an exported 3ds file saved as a PAS) and looks for models in the scene that you call in the psg script. Make sure every single model on your car you want to appear in-game is called in the psg script.
What is your PAS file called? is it car.PAS?

Also make3do.exe does not need the textures to compile. It only looks at the PAS file (an exported 3ds file saved as a PAS) and looks for models in the scene that you call in the psg script. Make sure every single model on your car you want to appear in-game is called in the psg script.
Yes. Maybe it's because I don't put all the objects in the psg script. I thought I could only start with 2 or 3 items and then add more. So if I understand correctly, all objects in the car.PAS file must inevitably be put into the script without exception? In other words, if there is only one object that is not encoded in the PSG file, will make3do give me an error?
No, you could theoretically have 100.000.000 objects in a 3ds scene and only call one of them in the psg script. The script still needs to name the object name correctly from the name of the PAS file though.
I actually have the same issue with the error of the 3do saying that the source file contain no shapes. However, if I check in the psg file, each object are named exactly the same in 3dsmax (body_0, body_1, body_2, body_3, chas_0, chas_1, chas_2, chas_3, glas_0, glas_1, glas_2 and glas_3) I decided to only import these parts for the first try, bur can't get the 3do conversion working.

Is there something I'm missing?
The make_a.psg code is this:
#  Sample PSG File
#  by Fred Anderson (
#  thanks to:    Papyrus
#        TheUSPits
#        Kevin Combs
#  models and Graphics copyright Papyrus 2003

#  Initial Variables
maxCars:    MESH_GROUP "car.pas" RENAME_MAT (paintjob paintjob, window windshield)

# Custom wheels

# Left Front

# Slow Speed Tire

# I have to load the wheels from my scene.
# L1 is the high poly model
# L4 is the med poly model
# L7 is the low poly model
# you can use more than 3 Level of Detail (LOD),
# but for my mods 3 are enough

L1_left_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_lf
L4_left_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_lf
L7_left_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_lf

L1_LF_LOD1:        GROUP(wheel_lf)
L4_LF_LOD4:        GROUP(wheel_lf)
L7_LF_LOD7:        GROUP(wheel_lf)

# LF Slow LOD
# I prefer STATIC_LOD to get better fps for people with low end PC.
LF_slow: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_LF_LOD1,
                2     L1_LF_LOD1,
                4.5     L1_LF_LOD1,
                6.8     L4_LF_LOD4,
                9.2     L4_LF_LOD4,
                12.3     L4_LF_LOD4,
                16.4     L7_LF_LOD7,
                20.9     L7_LF_LOD7,
                30.5     L7_LF_LOD7,
                48.2     L7_LF_LOD7,
                70     L7_LF_LOD7)
LF_slow_all: GROUP (LF_slow)

# Medium Speed Tire

L1_left_tire_M:         COPY L1_left_tire
L4_left_tire_M:         COPY L4_left_tire
L7_left_tire_M:         COPY L7_left_tire

# here we swap the slow speed texture with medium speed texture
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L1_left_tire_M slowbrdg medbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L4_left_tire_M slowbrdg medbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L7_left_tire_M slowbrdg medbrdg

L1_LF_LOD1_M:        GROUP(L1_left_tire_M)
L4_LF_LOD4_M:        GROUP(L4_left_tire_M)
L7_LF_LOD7_M:        GROUP(L7_left_tire_M)

LF_med: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_LF_LOD1_M,
                2     L1_LF_LOD1_M,
                4.5     L1_LF_LOD1_M,
                6.8     L4_LF_LOD4_M,
                9.2     L4_LF_LOD4_M,
                12.3     L4_LF_LOD4_M,
                16.4     L7_LF_LOD7_M,
                20.9     L7_LF_LOD7_M,
                30.5     L7_LF_LOD7_M,
                48.2     L7_LF_LOD7_M,
                70     L7_LF_LOD7_M)
LF_med_all: GROUP (LF_med)

# Fast Speed Tire

L1_left_tire_F:         COPY L1_left_tire
L4_left_tire_F:         COPY L4_left_tire
L7_left_tire_F:         COPY L7_left_tire

# here we swap the slow speed texture with fast speed texture
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L1_left_tire_F slowbrdg fastbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L4_left_tire_F slowbrdg fastbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L7_left_tire_F slowbrdg fastbrdg

L1_LF_LOD1_F:        GROUP(L1_left_tire_F)
L4_LF_LOD4_F:        GROUP(L4_left_tire_F)
L7_LF_LOD7_F:        GROUP(L7_left_tire_F)

LF_fast: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_LF_LOD1_F,
                2     L1_LF_LOD1_F,
                4.5     L1_LF_LOD1_F,
                6.8     L4_LF_LOD4_F,
                9.2     L4_LF_LOD4_F,
                12.3     L4_LF_LOD4_F,
                16.4     L7_LF_LOD7_F,
                20.9     L7_LF_LOD7_F,
                30.5     L7_LF_LOD7_F,
                48.2     L7_LF_LOD7_F,
                70     L7_LF_LOD7_F)
LF_fast_all: GROUP (LF_fast)

# Speed State Switch
# The Speed State Switch swaps the tire models with the modified texture,
# at different speeds.

wheelSpeedlf: STATE_SWITCH VAR wheel_speed_0 (0 LF_slow_all, 1 LF_med_all, 2 LF_fast_all, 3)

# Right Front

# Slow Speed Tire

L1_right_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_rf
L4_right_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_rf
L7_right_tire:     MESH maxCars wheel_rf

L1_RF_LOD1:        GROUP(wheel_rf)
L4_RF_LOD4:        GROUP(wheel_rf)
L7_RF_LOD7:        GROUP(wheel_rf)

# rf Slow LOD
RF_slow: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_RF_LOD1,
                2     L1_RF_LOD1,
                4.5     L1_RF_LOD1,
                6.8     L4_RF_LOD4,
                9.2     L4_RF_LOD4,
                12.3     L4_RF_LOD4,
                16.4     L7_RF_LOD7,
                20.9     L7_RF_LOD7,
                30.5     L7_RF_LOD7,
                48.2     L7_RF_LOD7,
                70     L7_RF_LOD7)
RF_slow_all: GROUP (RF_slow)

# Medium Speed Tire

L1_right_tire_M:         COPY L1_right_tire
L4_right_tire_M:         COPY L4_right_tire
L7_right_tire_M:         COPY L7_right_tire

MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L1_right_tire_M     slowbrdg medbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L4_right_tire_M    slowbrdg medbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L7_right_tire_M    slowbrdg medbrdg

L1_RF_LOD1_M:        GROUP(L1_right_tire_M)
L4_RF_LOD4_M:        GROUP(L4_right_tire_M)
L7_RF_LOD7_M:        GROUP(L7_right_tire_M)

# rf Slow LOD
RF_med: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_RF_LOD1_M,
                2     L1_RF_LOD1_M,
                4.5     L1_RF_LOD1_M,
                6.8     L4_RF_LOD4_M,
                9.2     L4_RF_LOD4_M,
                12.3     L4_RF_LOD4_M,
                16.4     L7_RF_LOD7_M,
                20.9     L7_RF_LOD7_M,
                30.5     L7_RF_LOD7_M,
                48.2     L7_RF_LOD7_M,
                70     L7_RF_LOD7_M)
RF_med_all: GROUP (RF_med)

# Fast Speed Tire

L1_right_tire_F:         COPY L1_right_tire
L4_right_tire_F:         COPY L4_right_tire
L7_right_tire_F:         COPY L7_right_tire

MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L1_right_tire_F     slowbrdg fastbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L4_right_tire_F    slowbrdg fastbrdg
MODIFY TEXTURE BASE_TEXTURE L7_right_tire_F    slowbrdg fastbrdg

L1_RF_LOD1_F:        GROUP(L1_right_tire_F)
L4_RF_LOD4_F:        GROUP(L4_right_tire_F)
L7_RF_LOD7_F:        GROUP(L7_right_tire_F)

# rf Slow LOD
RF_fast: STATIC_LOD (    0     L1_RF_LOD1_F,
                2     L1_RF_LOD1_F,
                4.5     L1_RF_LOD1_F,
                6.8     L4_RF_LOD4_F,
                9.2     L4_RF_LOD4_F,
                12.3     L4_RF_LOD4_F,
                16.4     L7_RF_LOD7_F,
                20.9     L7_RF_LOD7_F,
                30.5     L7_RF_LOD7_F,
                48.2     L7_RF_LOD7_F,
                70     L7_RF_LOD7_F)
RF_fast_all: GROUP (RF_fast)

# Speed State Switch

wheelSpeedrf: STATE_SWITCH VAR wheel_speed_1 (0 RF_slow_all, 1 RF_med_all, 2 RF_fast_all, 3)

# Im a bit lazy, thats why i copy my LF Tire for the LR Tire.
# Left Rear (copy of Left Front)

# Speed State Switch

wheelSpeedlr: STATE_SWITCH VAR wheel_speed_2 (0 LF_slow_all, 1 LF_med_all, 2 LF_fast_all, 3)

# Same procedure like i used for the LR tire, but this time i copy the RF tire.
# Right Rear (copy of Right Front)

# Speed State Switch

wheelspeedrr: STATE_SWITCH VAR wheel_speed_3 (0 RF_slow_all, 1 RF_med_all, 2 RF_fast_all, 3)

# here we set up our tire a give them the right position.
# I do it this way, cos you can have for each make different wheels positions.
# But for the SIMoCOT i just needed one.
rfwheelObj: GROUP (wheelspeedlf)
lfwheelObj: GROUP (wheelspeedrf)
rrwheelObj: GROUP (wheelspeedlr)
lrwheelObj: GROUP (wheelspeedrr) 

lf: TRANSFORM NAME lfwheel POS( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) lfwheelObj
rf: TRANSFORM NAME rfwheel POS( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) rfwheelObj
lr: TRANSFORM NAME lrwheel POS( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) lrwheelObj
rr: TRANSFORM NAME rrwheel POS( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) rrwheelObj

lfgrp0:   GROUP (lf)
rfgrp0:   GROUP (rf)
lrgrp0:   GROUP (lr)
rrgrp0:   GROUP (rr)

lfmake0: TRANSFORM POS(1,844, 0,918, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) lfgrp0
rfmake0: TRANSFORM POS(1,844, 0,918, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) rfgrp0
lrmake0: TRANSFORM POS(-1,12, 0,918, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) lrgrp0
rrmake0: TRANSFORM POS(-1,12, -0,918, 0.0) ROT(0, 0, 0) rrgrp0

Exterior View

    staticDriver:    MESH maxCars driver
    staticWheel:    MESH maxCars wheel_st

    body0:        MESH maxCars body_0
    chassis0:    MESH maxCars glas_0
    glass0:        MESH maxCars chas_0

    body1:        MESH maxCars body_1
    chassis1:    MESH maxCars glas_1
    glass1:        MESH maxCars chas_1

    body2:        MESH maxCars body_2
    chassis2:    MESH maxCars glas_2
    glass2:        MESH maxCars chas_2

    body3:        MESH maxCars body_3
    chassis3:    MESH maxCars glas_3
    glass3:        MESH maxCars chas_3

Exterior0: GROUP (staticDriver, staticWheel, lfmake0, rfmake0, lrmake0, rrmake0, body0, chassis0, glass0)
Exterior1: GROUP (staticDriver, staticWheel, lfmake0, rfmake0, lrmake0, rrmake0, body1, chassis1, glass1)
Exterior2: GROUP (staticDriver, staticWheel, lfmake0, rfmake0, lrmake0, rrmake0, body2, chassis2, glass2)
Exterior3: GROUP (staticDriver, staticWheel, lfmake0, rfmake0, lrmake0, rrmake0, body3, chassis3, glass3)

extView: STATE_SWITCH Var carMakeIdx (0 Exterior0,1 Exterior1,2 Exterior2,3 Exterior3, 4)

#  Interior View

maInt: MESH_GROUP "interior.pas" RENAME_MAT (paintjob paintjob)

# Windshield enable
    window:        MESH maInt glass
    windshield: STATE_SWITCH VAR windshieldEnable (0.0 window, 0.9)
# Descklid
    deck:        MESH maInt decklid
# Shifter
    mashift:        MESH maInt shift
    tranShifter: TRANSFORM NAME shifter POS(0.114,-0.006,-0.146) ROT(0,0,0) mashift
# mirror
    mir:        MESH maInt mirror
    maPort:    MESH maInt revPortal
    mirPort: PORTAL rearView maPort
    mirGroup: GROUP (mirPort,mir)
    rearViewMirror: STATE_SWITCH VAR mirrorFrameEnable (0 mirGroup, 1)
# steering wheel
    sWheel:        MESH maInt WHEEL
    tranWheel: TRANSFORM NAME steer POS(-0.320,0.391,0.323) ROT(0,0.2,0.2) sWheel
    ssWheel: STATE_SWITCH VAR steeringWheelEnable (0 tranWheel, 0.9)
# DashPanel
    dashPanel:    MESH maInt panel
# Tub
    fullTub:    MESH maInt tub
# Catch
    catch:        MESH maInt windowcatch
# bars
    bars:        MESH maInt cage
# Foam
    intFoam:    MESH maInt foam
# DashIgn
    dashIgn:    MESH maInt dash
# Netting
# Netting2
# Head
    tranHead: TRANSFORM NAME head POS(-0.75,0.4,0.467) ROT(0,0,0) maEmpty
# Tach
    dayCol:        Mesh maInt TACHDAYCOL   
    dayFac:        Mesh maInt TACHDAYFACE   
    daySwi:        Mesh maInt TACHDAYSWI   
    nightCol:        Mesh maInt TACHNIGHTCOL   
    nightFac:        Mesh maInt TACHNIGHTFACE   
    nightSwi:        Mesh maInt TACHNIGHTSWI   
    TACHDAY: GROUP (dayCol,dayFac,daySwi)
    TACHNIGHT: GROUP (nightCol,nightFac,nightSwi)
    tNightSelf: SELFLIGHTING AMBIENT(0.85,0.85,0.85) TACHNIGHT
    ssTach: STATE_SWITCH VAR day_night (0 tDaySelf, 1 tNightSelf, 2)
# pTach
    maPTACH:        MESH maInt ptach
    pTachSelf: SELFLIGHTING AMBIENT(0.7,0.7,0.7) maPTACH
    ssPTach: STATE_SWITCH VAR day_night (0 maPTACH, 1 pTachSelf, 2)
    tranPTACH: TRANSFORM NAME ptach POS(-0.083,0.503,0.329) ROT(0,0.349,0) ssPTach

# poilp
    maPTELL:        MESH maInt PTELL
    tranPOILP: TRANSFORM NAME poilp POS(0.075,0.411,0.388) ROT(0,0.385,0) maPTELL
# poilt
    tranPOILT: TRANSFORM NAME poilt POS(0.075,0.337,0.388) ROT(0,0.385,0) maPTELL
# pfuel
    tranPFUEL: TRANSFORM NAME pfuel POS(0.075,0.488,0.388) ROT(0,0.385,0) maPTELL
# pwater
    tranPWATER: TRANSFORM NAME pwater POS(0.075,0.262,0.389) ROT(0,0.385,0) maPTELL
# pvoltage
    tranPVOLTAGE: TRANSFORM NAME pvoltage POS(0.075,-0.021,0.389) ROT(0,0.385,0) maPTELL
# tachlight
    tLightOff:        MESH maInt TACHLIGHTOFF
    tLightOn:        MESH maInt TACHLIGHTON
    ssTachLight: STATE_SWITCH VAR tachLightEnable (0 tLightOff,1 TACHLIGHTON,2)
# oilPressureLight
    dum1off:        MESH maInt DUMMY1OFF
    dum1on:        MESH maInt DUMMY1ON
    slDummy1: SELFLIGHTING AMBIENT(1.0,1.0,1.0) dum1on
    ssDummyOne: STATE_SWITCH VAR oilPressureLightEnable (0 dum1off,1 slDummy1,2)
    tranDum1: TRANSFORM POS(0.091,0.375,0.423) ROT(0,0.366,0) ssDummyOne   
# WaterTempLight
    dum2off:        MESH maInt DUMMY2OFF
    dum2on:            MESH maInt DUMMY2ON
    slDummy2: SELFLIGHTING AMBIENT(1.0,1.0,1.0) dum2on
    ssDummyTwo: STATE_SWITCH VAR waterTempLightEnable (0 dum2off,1 slDummy2,2)
    tranDum2: TRANSFORM POS(0.091,0.397,0.423) ROT(0,0.366,0) ssDummyTwo   
# FuelPressureLight
    ssDummyFuel: STATE_SWITCH VAR fuelPressureLightEnable (0 dum1off,1 slDummy1,2)
    tranDumFuel: TRANSFORM POS(0.091,0.452,0.423) ROT(0,0.366,0) ssDummyFuel   

maInterior: GROUP (windshield,deck,tranShifter,rearViewMirror,ssWheel,dashPanel,fullTub,catch,bars,intFoam,dashIgn,tranHead,ssTach,tranPTACH,tranPOILP,tranPOILT,tranPFUEL,tranPWATER,tranPVOLTAGE,ssTachLight,tranDum1,tranDum2,tranDumFuel)

#  Rear-View

maRear: MESH_GROUP "rearview.pas" RENAME_MAT (paintjob paintjob, window windshield)
    rv_deck:        MESH maRear deck_0
    rv_glass:        MESH maRear wind_0
    rv_cage:        MESH maRear gren_0

maRearview: GROUP (rv_deck,rv_glass,rv_cage)

#  Cockpit View StateSwitch

cView: STATE_SWITCH VAR cockpitView (0 extView, 1 maInterior, 2 maRearview, 9.9)

OUTPUT  cView "make_a.3do"
When you go to the modify tab are your models showing as an editable mesh like this?

Also your code looks to be missing the master BBOX: masterMinMax it might need that as well so it knows the bounding area of the models in the container.
When you go to the modify tab are your models showing as an editable mesh like this?
View attachment 4658

Also your code looks to be missing the master BBOX: masterMinMax it might need that as well so it knows the bounding area of the models in the container.
Yes, they are actually all in editable mesh mode. I also copy the bounding box code and it's not working either. I get the same error. :(
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Something strange I noticed is that I can convert an already converted scene. For example, if I go in the rockstar files and choose the og cup pas file and do the 3do conversion process, it works. However, if I take the og cup max file and export it as a PAS file and do the same process, the same error occurs.

The weird thing in this is that they are exactly the same except one is in .PAS extension and the other in .max and .PAS after exporting it on my side.

It's as if there was something that doesn't work in the export.
Strange, yeah I've never had issues exporting a PAS. When you export are you just exporting the scene to PAS? You don't want to export selection.
Strange, yeah I've never had issues exporting a PAS. When you export are you just exporting the scene to PAS? You don't want to export selection.
I'm clicking on the normal export button then on the pas file type and save it as car.pas
So are you saying your scene where your models are from were in the original max scene? maybe start a new scene and transfer your models int it. I'm not sure what else it could be. At this point between numerous mods and track-side objects I've exported thousands of PAS scenes to make3do and never seen that compile error. The fact you can convert a pas to a working 3do narrows it down to maybe your PAS plugin is broken. Make sure its the right one as well. For example I use Max 8 and use the papy_r6.dle
So are you saying your scene where your models are from were in the original max scene? maybe start a new scene and transfer your models int it. I'm not sure what else it could be. At this point between numerous mods and track-side objects I've exported thousands of PAS scenes to make3do and never seen that compile error. The fact you can convert a pas to a working 3do narrows it down to maybe your PAS plugin is broken. Make sure its the right one as well. For example I use Max 8 and use the papy_r6.dle
I will try to transfer my mod to your max starter file. I will also try to reinstall all the plugins needed. Hope it will work. 🤞

Thanks for the feedback
It's still not working. However, I found this in the Pits tutorial files, but the link doesn't work. 1717640794391.png

Does someone have access to this? That's litterally the issue I'm facing. Sadly, it's not archived in the wayback machine. :(
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