Welcome new member to ADRD and thanks for joining this community!
After joining the forum and reading the forum rules your next stop will most likely be all about NR2003. Here is our starter NR2003 guide so you know what you need to know and how you should proceed with your NR2003 racing experience. Before you dive right in the forums here are some useful links and information that will help you find what you might be looking for. If you are just getting back into NR2003 (or just got it for the first time) this guide will help you find the right resources in the right places. It will also go over some forum etiquette of what to do and not to do to ensure everyone in the community can enjoy a spam free forum. So let's begin.
Common questions asked about getting NR2003 set up
Question: How do I get NR2003?
Answer: There are several places to find copies but we recommend John Norton's Misc page over at his website: https://wildkustomcars.weebly.com/ You can find a lot of great starter NR2003 content along with all the files to get NR2003 up and running in the Misc > original nr2003 patches, files & shared folders. Also below this section is how to get it running on Window 7/8/10/11
Question: I just got NR2003 what do I need to install so I can use add-ons like mods and stuff?
Answer: To be able to install mods, tracks, and other add-ons to NR2003 you will need the nr2003 patch You can download the patch here: NR2003 patch
Question: I am on Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 and I have the game installed with the patch but it keeps crashing when I try to race, what can I do to fix this?
Answer: Visit this Tutorial in the Tips and Tutorial section for NR2003: Disable DEP
Question: So I have the game installed and it is working great! Where can I find add-ons for the game / which ones are the best to add?
Answer: This question is rather subjective and really depends on what you are specifically looking for, but here is a thread with a great list of add-ons that many new users will like to update their game to that 2022 feel: NR2003 active websites
Question: I've got a lot of cool mods, tracks, and add-ons added now but my frame rate is low and/or my graphics on certain cars or tracks appear very blurry. How can I fix this?
Answer: First and foremost, do you have a video card? Seems like a silly question to ask considering this forum is basically a gaming forum, and you are playing a game. But believe it or not, people ask why they have crappy frames per second when they don't even have a video card. If you don't have one, stop reading right now and go get one. Also please visit the NR2003 Configuration and setup, several guides in here include how to improve your game's framerate.
Question: I have a more specific question/problem about NR2003, where can I get help for this?
Answer: The best thing to do first is use the search function on this forum. Also if you begin typing a new thread post you will see suggestions for possibly similar threads that already exist. You can find a lot of your most common questions answered by doing quick searches on specific stuff. The best section to search in if you are looking for NR2003 help is the NR2003 Tips, Troubleshooting, and Support section.
Question: I want to learn how to paint cars for NR2003 are there any useful tutorials?
Answer: ADRD has a wonderful tutorials section. Depending on what painting program you have you will find a different variety of tutorials for that specific tool: Tutorials section
Forum etiquette
While ADRD is new this was formed by a collection of long time NR2003 community members. Many who have read and seen it all. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time here are a few common things to consider when posting regardless if it is about the NR2003 or not:
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. We hope it has helped answer some of your common questions. We look forward to seeing you around!
ADRD Staff
After joining the forum and reading the forum rules your next stop will most likely be all about NR2003. Here is our starter NR2003 guide so you know what you need to know and how you should proceed with your NR2003 racing experience. Before you dive right in the forums here are some useful links and information that will help you find what you might be looking for. If you are just getting back into NR2003 (or just got it for the first time) this guide will help you find the right resources in the right places. It will also go over some forum etiquette of what to do and not to do to ensure everyone in the community can enjoy a spam free forum. So let's begin.
Common questions asked about getting NR2003 set up
Question: How do I get NR2003?
Answer: There are several places to find copies but we recommend John Norton's Misc page over at his website: https://wildkustomcars.weebly.com/ You can find a lot of great starter NR2003 content along with all the files to get NR2003 up and running in the Misc > original nr2003 patches, files & shared folders. Also below this section is how to get it running on Window 7/8/10/11
Question: I just got NR2003 what do I need to install so I can use add-ons like mods and stuff?
Answer: To be able to install mods, tracks, and other add-ons to NR2003 you will need the nr2003 patch You can download the patch here: NR2003 patch
Question: I am on Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 and I have the game installed with the patch but it keeps crashing when I try to race, what can I do to fix this?
Answer: Visit this Tutorial in the Tips and Tutorial section for NR2003: Disable DEP
Question: So I have the game installed and it is working great! Where can I find add-ons for the game / which ones are the best to add?
Answer: This question is rather subjective and really depends on what you are specifically looking for, but here is a thread with a great list of add-ons that many new users will like to update their game to that 2022 feel: NR2003 active websites
Question: I've got a lot of cool mods, tracks, and add-ons added now but my frame rate is low and/or my graphics on certain cars or tracks appear very blurry. How can I fix this?
Answer: First and foremost, do you have a video card? Seems like a silly question to ask considering this forum is basically a gaming forum, and you are playing a game. But believe it or not, people ask why they have crappy frames per second when they don't even have a video card. If you don't have one, stop reading right now and go get one. Also please visit the NR2003 Configuration and setup, several guides in here include how to improve your game's framerate.
Question: I have a more specific question/problem about NR2003, where can I get help for this?
Answer: The best thing to do first is use the search function on this forum. Also if you begin typing a new thread post you will see suggestions for possibly similar threads that already exist. You can find a lot of your most common questions answered by doing quick searches on specific stuff. The best section to search in if you are looking for NR2003 help is the NR2003 Tips, Troubleshooting, and Support section.
Question: I want to learn how to paint cars for NR2003 are there any useful tutorials?
Answer: ADRD has a wonderful tutorials section. Depending on what painting program you have you will find a different variety of tutorials for that specific tool: Tutorials section
Forum etiquette
While ADRD is new this was formed by a collection of long time NR2003 community members. Many who have read and seen it all. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time here are a few common things to consider when posting regardless if it is about the NR2003 or not:
- If you have specific needs or questions about NR2003 do not post them in general discussion sections. Those areas are not suitable for it. Instead post in the NR2003 General Discussion area and remember to use the search function first. It helps reduce the amount of redundant questions that have been answered many times already.
- If you are looking for a specific add-on of NR2003 make sure to ask in the correct section such as the beginners thread or NR2003 content finder section. Asking for and requesting in areas such as the showroom and NR2003 requests/tutorials area will have your thread moved. Those are for presentation/Guides only. If you need a request for a car or render visit the requests section.
- Remember to always be considerate and respectful of others. Especially those who are taking their time to make all these free add-ons, tracks, and mods for NR2003. Do not keep asking when a certain project will be finished. The project owner will inform the community whenever he/she is wanting to reveal more info on their project or release it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. We hope it has helped answer some of your common questions. We look forward to seeing you around!
ADRD Staff