Hey everyone! I'm taking a short break from the Thunder-posting to not only post about a Car I've been working on for the last couple of days but also because I think it's about time I posted another Fictional.

Here is, after a lot of Reworking, the #48 Car of Chris Crockford, more commonly known as CC#48!

Now, this one may seem Random, especially given that its Driver is a long-standing Painter in our Community, but there is some History to this.

The Story goes back to 2004, back when the Aero88 Mod was brand-new (and the absolute shit) and when Guys were fitting mock Lumina Templates on Pontiacs (which Fun Fact, is the same thing iRacing Painters are doing right now, only with Fords instead of Pontiacs. Once again, Time is proven to just be a flat Circle).

In July, after hard Work by Folks like xyz_racer and Tryingtobecool, a 1993 Carset for the Mod would be put up on NNRacing by Double-D. A Thing I found is common-Place for these Aero88 Carsets is that they often came with a Car designed to be driven by the Player. Examples include the Days of Thunder City Scheme (even when taking a Break this Thing somehow finds a way to get involved!) and a fictional Hee-Haw Car present in the 1990 Set. The 1993 Set did the same, coming with a Player Car themed after a Winston Sponsorship. The Thing that sets it apart from other Player Cars, however, is that it had Chris' Name, as well as a Team seemingly featuring his Initials (if we are to go with the idea that the first and last Cs in "CRC Racing" stand for his Name). The Scheme was plain but fit the Era it was representing nonetheless.


When the Cup90 Mod came around in 2007, the same Cars painted for the Aero88 Mod a couple of years prior were being ported over, all except the fictional Player Cars. They never left the original Mod they were painted for, and for nearly 15 Years had been relegated to decay as wanna-be Luminas, until a few weeks ago when I came across the Player Car carrying Chris' Name.

I was pleasantly surprised by it and found it interesting how amongst these real Cars there was one representing one of the Guys that helped make the Set. After noticing it hadn't been ported over to Cup90, I decided to make it a small Side-Project for when I wanted to work on something that wasn't my DoT Set.

This originally started as a much closer Recreation to the Original, but I ended up going back and starting from Scratch, as I thought the Scheme looked too plain. After looking at Winston Cup Showcars and coming up with Scheme Ideas, I eventually churned out this.


Honestly, I think this is the best fictional Scheme I've come up with. I used this Scheme to experiment with a Gold Effect, and without it, this Scheme wouldn't hit. While I mostly did my own Thing with the Car, there are Places where you can see I followed what I was remaking. The Contingency Decals, while all placed differently, use all the same ones present on the original. The same goes for most of the Decals scattered around the Car, though some I added some myself. Overall, I'm very happy with this Scheme. Without a Doubt some of my best Work.

Despite its Contigs clearly saying it's a Cup Car, my Mind keeps thinking it looks more like a Grand National one. I think the Colors have to do with it since they're the same as the ones on Chuck Bown's Nescafé Cars, a Scheme I plan to paint soon.

Thanks for reading another one of my Rambles about the virtual Cars I paint, see you all soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - GTSWiki, Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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What's up Gang? I'm finally on Break after an exhausting last Week filled with Finals.

I'm currently packing my Bags, tomorrow I'll be flying to spend two weeks back in my stomping Grounds (Switzerland). I'm a little bummed out since I won't be able to be on my Computer working on my Projects, but I'm glad at the same time since I get to reunite with a lot of my old friends and finally see them in person after a Year of strictly electronic Communication. Anyways, I figured that before I left, I'd leave you all with a Scheme. This is the final Scheme in the Days of Thunder Collection which I've purposefully saved for last. Here is, straight out of Reading Pennsylvania, perennial Daytona 500 Contender Aldo Benedetti!


So, do you guys remember how in my Rob Moroso Post I alluded to a Scheme that almost became the first one I had made all Assets myself? Well, this is the one. Aside from the Template, Contigs, and small Sponsor Decals, everything here was made by me. A Long, but in the End worthwhile Process.

For the Cup90 Mod, Aldo has only been painted twice. First in 2007 in the original 1990 Set, and lastly in 2016 by one of our fellow Forum Members, mtbillie. They aren't accurate, but that isn't in any way on them. Aldo's Car severely lacks any Reference Photos, which scares most people away from even attempting to paint his Car. The Lack of Reference photos still prevails today, but thanks to Waterslide coming out of nowhere with a Set of Decals for it and some high-Quality Photos resurfacing, we do have at least something to go by now unlike in the Past. Hopefully, we'll get more Pictures of this Car someday.

I really like this Scheme. The dark Pink-ish Purple is great, and the Mix of various Colors is awesome too. It's a Shame we don't get a good look at this Car in the Movie, I bet it would look stunning on Film. In terms of my Recreation, I think it's almost perfect. The Superflo Logo on the Trunk isn't what's depicted on the Decal Sheet, and I have the Impression that the Line in between both Yellow ones at the Front is light Blue instead of Black. Those are easy Fixes though, and either way, I'm still very happy with how this came out.

That's all for now. I'll be checking on the Forum with my Phone while on Vacation, but aside from that, I'll see you guys soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - GTSWiki, Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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The car I made was actually meant as a fictional Monte Carlo version for 1989, rather than an accurate one. I had to infer a lot of it because there are very few pictures of this car and at the time I didn't have access to the movie in a way that I could get a good look at the few shots the car was in. Now there are accurate models and remakes of the car for merchandise that can be used for reference. You did an amazing job recreating this, I agree this is probably the first true accurate version of this car. Great job!
Whoops, looks like I misremembered. You did an excellent Job on it either way though! And thank you as always for your kind Words! 😊
Hey Guys! I'm here with a Monday Post this Time, which I think is a first for me.

I've spent the last 4 Days working on a Car that I've been wanting to make for quite a While, but I always ended up getting distracted with some other Paint I wanted to do. This Week however, I finally decided to start working on it since I was tired of just having it thought up for so long. So today, despite it only having been two posts ago, I've chosen another Fictional for my virtual show and tell, mostly because of how excited I am to show it. So, without further ado, here is... me!

Yep, today I'm showcasing the fictional Car I've come up with for myself because I'm really happy with how it came out!


So, as is common for my Posts, here's some Backstory.

I've been wanting to paint a Car for myself for a long While now, but was stumped on what the Sponsor should be. That changed in January though, when I came across an Oxxo Store while on Vacation in São Paulo. It wasn't really a Eureka Moment, I just saw the Store (without even going in) and it just kind of stuck with me for some Reason. I think because of its Colors?

Fast-forward to a couple of months later when I start brainstorming Ideas for my own Car, and Oxxo randomly reappears in my mind when I start thinking of potential Sponsors. I decided to go with it because not only did I think it'd be some nice Latin American Representation (Oxxo is really only a Thing down here) but also because I could integrate the top Yellow Lines of the Logo into the Scheme, and have them all connect like on Chuck Bown's Nescafé Cars (second Time this Fella pops up here, huh). For the longest time though, The Idea remained just that - an Idea, until this week, when I finally went ahead and painted it, because, as I stated earlier, I was tired of just having it thought up and not seeing the Light of Day. And so, after nearly a whole Weekend of Work, here it is.

As I've stated so many times, I really like the way this came out. The Base was a pain in the Ass to make, but damn was it worth it. I always thought I wasn't very good at coming up with fictional Schemes, but I think I'm starting to leave that Perception behind. I honestly can't wait to drive this Thing, I'm confident it will improve my NR2003 experience greatly.

Thanks for reading this more personal Post I've made, and if you feel like it, provide some Feedback on the Scheme! I'd love to hear what you guys have to say. See you all soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - GTSWiki, Google Images, The US Pits, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix), Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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Hey Gang. Windows got corrupted on my PC a few weeks ago, and after going in and out of a Tech Store for more than I liked, I'm finally back and can work on my Paints again, and just in Time for September too.

So, since it's September, I thought I should post something fitting. So I did. Here is Mr. September himself, Harry Gant.


This variant is based on the one on Display at the LeMay Car Museum. Just like with my Terry Labonte Schemes, this was a Car I'd painted a While earlier (maybe a year or so ago) but went back to update it a bit, and it's a lot more accurate than what was before. I'm pretty happy with how the Scheme turned out. I might change the 33 to the one on BER, but I'm content with it for now.

Thanks for stopping by and reading, I hope to see you all soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - GTSWiki, Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix), Me
Number - Jeebs7
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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Hello again everyone! So it's almost the Dead of Night for me down here, but I decided that before I hit the Sack, I post this Car I've spent the whole Day Painting.

I've mentioned him in Passing a couple of times now, and I think it's time I gave him his own Post. For the first time in NR2003, here is Chuck Bown's 1993 Nescafé/Nestea Pontiac!


I'm so happy with this Scheme. I've been putting it aside for quite a While now, mostly because there was a prominent Lack of Reference Material. I decided however that I should finally get it done, and so pulled through. And man was it worth it. There are some things I'll probably redo (like the Gold Effect and Number), but for now, I'm just really happy with how this came out.

This Car also serves as a soft Start to a future Project I hinted at in my first post on this Thread, that being a 1993 BGN Carset. I heard that there was one being made at some point, but apparently, the guy who worked on it got drafted, so the Carset never came out. I hope to fill that Gap, even if it'll take long.

Anyways, that's all my half-awake brain can think of writing right now. Thanks for sticking around and looking at the Cars I paint, and we'll see us again soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - GTSWiki, Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing)
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
Last edited:
Hey Gang. It's sure been a While, hasn't it?

Today's the big Day: The Cup Series returns to North Wilkesboro for the first time in 27 Years. So, as a little Way of celebrating this historic Day in Stock Car History, I present to you one of the Cars driven by the Driver who won its final Race: Jeff Gordon!

This is amongst the first Cars I painted when I started painting real-Life Cars, and I'd say it still holds up fairly well (unlike my Terry Labonte Scheme). As you can tell from the Rookie Stripe, this is supposed to be his Rookie Car from '92/93, which I... oddly decided to base off of a 1:24 Coin Bank by Racing Champions, which is why the Contigs are so off-putting. Why did I base it on that? I'm not sure myself to be honest. Probably to distinguish it from the other Gordon Cars.

The Rainbow Warrior Paintjob is a very Nice one, and I think I did it Justice here. Somewhere in the Future I'll probably redo the Base though, as well as update the whole Car in general to be one he actually ran (maybe his Coke 600 or Brickyard Win?).

With that said, I'm looking forward to the Race today. Here's to hoping it'll be great!



Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - Tre Cool (Stunod), Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Number - Big Evil Racing
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
any way i could have a download link?
Hey everyone, it's been a While. Life and all that got in the Way as usual.

So do you guys remember that Daytona USA Hornet Scheme I showed back in February? Well, I decided to go back and make another Version. This Time, however, instead of freelancing it, I tried making it as accurate as possible to the Car in the actual Game.


I'm happy with this Scheme. It's simplistic but fun. The Decision to make an accurate Version came after I realized that almost all Hornets ever painted for NR (those released publicly, at least) kinda do their own Thing. There's nothing bad about it obviously, in fact, I think it's really fun when People try putting their Spin on something (Hell, that's what I did with Hornet), but figured that adding one that tries to look more like the in-game Model wouldn't hurt.

I wanna mention something interesting before closing this Post. I mentioned in my post from February how I had named the Driver of the Car after the Game's Planners since it didn't have one, but turns out, it does. Tom Brown, one of many in the Brown Family, canonically drives this Car, as revealed in Daytona 2. I always thought Tom was a Name coined by Fans, and in wanting to do my own thing strayed away from it. I've gone back and changed the Name, and also applied it to the new Hornet Scheme.

This isn't the End of me and Daytona just yet, as I have something else planned. But for now, that is all I have to write about Hornet. Goodbye everyone, see you soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - stf999, Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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Hey everyone, Happy Friday! Nothing better than knowing it's the Weekend.

So I've been cooking something up in the last few days, and it was actually a kind of learning experience as I stepped out of my Comfort Zone for it. Instead of looking at the Thunderbirds and Luminas of the 90s, we'll be shifting our Attention to the Cars that came a little earlier. Today we'll be looking at the final Car Dick Brooks drove in his NASCAR Career, the #1 Exxon Monte Carlo.


(No Render this Time as I couldn't get the Aero88 Scenes to work for some reason)

Dick ran this Car in the 1985 Coca-Cola World 600 as a Sister-Car to Rick Hendrick's #5 Operation. The Situation revolving around the Car was interesting since NASCAR's main Gasoline Sponsor at the Time was Unocal, and they weren't very happy with a rival Company sponsoring a Car. NASCAR let the Car run, under the Condition that the Word "Gasoline" not be anywhere on the Car. Come Race Day, Dick did very well and capped his career off with a Top-10 Finish. After it was all said and done, Dick had limited Involvement in NASCAR, and it stayed that way until his passing in 2006.

I didn't pay too much attention when I first saw this Car, I thought it had already been painted Years prior amongst the other Cars from the 1985 Season. Upon loading the Aero88 Mod and looking through the Cars in the Opponent Manager though, I found out it hadn't, and immediately began looking/making everything I needed. That is where I hit the biggest Roadblock of this Project: The Tiger.

I spent nearly two days looking for it to no Avail. I'm not even joking when I say I was considering buying a Decal Sheet someone was selling on eBay just so I could scan it in with my Printer and cut the Tiger out. In the end, though, I was able to find it by instead searching "Esso Tiger" as opposed to "Exxon Tiger" (Esso being what Exxon goes by outside of North America, I think), and while it was a little low-quality, it was nothing a bit of Upscaling couldn't solve.

The Rest went fairly smoothly. I was able to trace the number off of a Toy based on the Car, and the other Logos were pretty easy to find or recreate. The only thing that really bugs me is the Contingency Logo underneath the Champions one, as I just couldn't identify it from the handful of Pictures I was able to find of this Car. I just ended up slapping that Michigan one on there as a last Resort, as well as hopefully a Placeholder.

Aside from that though, I'm pretty happy with how this Car turned out. I think I was able to keep it fairly accurate with what I had to work with, and that's what mainly matters to me.

And so I go back to my Graphics Software to paint up more Cars. Thanks as always for having stuck around and read, and maybe you learned something new today. For now, goodbye!


Template - The US Pits
Logos - Google Images, Taxiforbundet, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Number - Me
Base - Me
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Hey all, been a While again. I don't think anyone's surprised though, I tend to take my time between posts.

So today we've got a bit of an interesting one. This Scheme belongs to one of NASCAR's more obscure Tales, and as a Fan of making obscure Cars, I jumped at the opportunity of making it. Today, we have the Car driven by Australian Motorsports Legend Dick Johnson.

Yes, that is his Name. If you thought Dick Trickle was funny, think again.


This is usually the part where I write about the Story behind the Car, but I'll spare it for this Post. Why? Because I ended up reserving it for its Download Page on Stunod. Yep, I finally put up one of my Schemes for Download! Crazy huh?

...So anyway, this Car was surprisingly tedious to make. This is another one of those Schemes where I had to make most of the Assets by myself, and it wasn't too fun. What separates this from Schemes in a situation similar to it is that I had barely any References. Not even a Decal Sheet! Therefore, most Logos were eyeballed or traced off of really dodgy Material. That WTC Logo was made using a low-res Image of an embroidered Patch on a Crew Member Uniform, and I'll be the first to tell you that it wasn't precise. At all. I got the Car done either Way, however, and it looks good, so I can't really complain.

So concludes another one of my posts, surprisingly short this Time. As mentioned earlier, this Scheme is up for download, and the Link to it will be shared beneath the Credits. As always, thanks again for looking at the Stuff I make, and we'll be back soon! ...Hopefully.


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Clear Rear Windows - 20champ08 (NNRacing)
Logos - Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Download Link

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
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So those generic Winston Cup Contigs on the Bobby Bowsher Car I painted just started bothering me a Ton for some Reason. So I did what I do "best" and stared at a low-quality JPEG while trying to figure out all the Logos. And it worked! But not before I drew some Decals I couldn't find.


(Oh hey, check it out! The Render actually has Hoosier Tires this Time!)

I unfortunately couldn't find more Photos of his Car from the Race I tried replicating it from (the 1993 ARCA 200), which is why the Contigs sorta awkwardly stop after the Total Seal one. I don't really mind though, I'll sacrifice Super-duper-mega Accuracy for my Satisfaction this Time.

That's it for now, I'll be back with something new next Time. See you soon!

Credits (updated)

Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Hoosier Tires - Modified from Bill1947 (Stunod Racing)
Logos - Google Images, Me, eBay, CC#48 (NNRacing)
Contigs - Me, GTSWiki, Google Images, Worthpoint, The_BanditYT (Stunod Racing), Cakin24 (Reddit)
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
Last edited:
If you are using the carveiwer files in blender the model comes up as ridiculously huge, you have to scale them way down to work.
Interesting... I wasn't using Blender though, I was attempting to use 2-Car Scene for 3DS Max. It didn't go through because I couldn't change the Color of the Rims, even after trying everything I thought of. They always stayed red.
...Hmmm... I feel like I'm forgetting something...

...Ahh it's nothing. If I forgot it then it probably wasn't of Note anyway.


...So I may or may not have forgotten this Place exists. For about... 2 Months. Not my proudest moment, let's just say.

Part of that was because I didn't feel like I had anything cool to show, but, as you might've guessed from me posting again, I do have something I feel is worth sharing today!

Do you Guys remember my Jeff Gordon Car? The one I said I'd probably update?



The past Months have been all about going back to my old Schemes and perfecting them, and Jeff here was treated to a heavy Makeover these past 4 Days. Not a single Thing from the Original remains (aside from the Template of course), everything here was made from the Ground up.

Out of all the Choices I had, this Car represents one he ran at Talladega in 1994. Not his Coke 600 or Brickyard win surprisingly. I made this choice because I always do Cars as they ran at Daytona, but something suddenly gave me the Urge to start making ones as they ran at 'Dega recently, so Jeff was the first "Victim" of that. I'll probably make Versions that represent the Wins I mentioned before, can't ever have enough Variants!

That's it for today, I'll try holding onto my Word this time when I say "See you soon". Bye all!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - Google Images, Me
Contigs - CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Number - Big Evil Racing
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
Last edited:
Hey Gang.

Yeah, it's been a... "While". Where have I been? Nowhere really, some Things just killed my Motivation to post here. Specifically the App I'd save all my Renders to deciding it wouldn't host Content linked outside of it anymore, which is why none of the Images on here loaded for a While. That has been fixed though, as you can tell.

Just like nearly a year ago, I'm getting ready for a two-week Vacation in Europe and figured that I'd break my Silence before I left with a Scheme that's been on my Mind for a While now.

With his unexpected passing earlier this year, I found it fitting to paint this Car as a Tribute. In Memory of the three-time ARCA Champion, here is Tim Steele's 1993 HS Die Thunderbird.


Just like my Bobby Bowsher Car, this one was not easy to make. The Lack of Photographs is what got me again. This Time around, I referenced the Rear and the Contigs from a low-quality VHS Rip of Tim's first Win at the 1993 Poulan Pro 500k, because I couldn't find a Picture with the Contigs visible from the right Year! Locals here know that I like to paint Cars as they ran at certain Races, but Tim here had to be a Mishmash from various Races due to the sheer Lack of Reference Material. You'd think that someone with such a stellar year like Tim would have at least a handful of Photos out there. I guess not.

Ideally, I would've posted this as well as Tim's Oldsmobile he ran at Short Tracks, but my Trip left me with only enough Time for Tim's Ford. Either Way, I'm happy with how it came out. I'll most likely add black Outlines to the Numbers and Logos to make it more accurate (and pop out more), but it's in a complete enough State for me to make a Post about it.

I'll be sure to fill you all in on the NR Stuff I made during my Absence once I'm back, but for now, that's all. Take care everyone, and I'll see you soon!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - Google Images, Me
Contigs - Google Images, Trading Card Database, GTSWiki, The_BanditYT (Stunod Racing), Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
Last edited:
So guess what I didn't do.

Hello dear... Forumers? (Forum Members sounds boring) It's past midnight for me (and actually the Day of my Birthday!), so I decided, as I have done many times before, to post a Scheme before I go to Bed.

I've been making many Variations of this specific Car as of late, but decided to post this one specifically because I feel it's the most interesting. Here is Darrell Waltrip's self-owned Western Auto Lumina, which he drove to Victory at the ARCA and Winston West Combo-Race; the Western Auto Texas Shootout II (God what a Mouthful).


(Introducing the DumbManLo Watermark, for no real Reason)

So first off, the Contigs. ARCA, Winston West, and Winston Cup. All on the same Car. God I love how wacky it looks.

So Darrell's Western Auto Ride is another one of those Schemes I painted Ages ago, and eventually went back and updated so that it was more in line with my new Standards. That's something I did again just this past Week, specifically to update the Number using my new Technique for chrome/metallic ones. That's what sparked my Interest in this Car, which led me to making 4 Variants of it (all from different Years) as well as discovering that a Picture of the Car at that Race had actually surfaced via eBay. And so, having that Appeal in painting obscure Cars from Series lacking much Interest, I went ahead and recreated it. It was just a matter of putting together new Contigs and moving some of the smaller Decals around, really.

I really like this Car. The Stripes transitioning from black to white in a non-gradient Manner look awesome and help this Car pop out, and that's without mentioning the Chrome Number. It's a Shame Darrell didn't see so much Success in this Car, it's a real Looker.

I do hope more Pictures surface from the Texas World Shootout. I'd love to recreate Earnhardt and Schrader's Cars, or even ones from the ARCA or Winston West Guys. Making these lesser-known Variants is so much fun.

Well that's all for now, I'll be back soon with more Cars. Stay well everyone, and good Night.


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Logos - Google Images, WorthPoint, Me
Contigs - Google Images, Trading Card Database, CC#48 (NNRacing), jonamelio24 (NNRacing), Rioux (RacinGrafix), Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
I remember that Darrell Waltrip scheme from one of Griffin Spier's 10 Winners Challenge videos, it was one of the cars that won the Daytona 500 in that video. Awesome scheme!
Thank you for having faith in me Tomas, because I do in fact have something to show today.

Hello fellow members of the Armory forum. After having to put NR aside to fully focus on other things life brought, I'm back with another paint scheme. And, as you might've guessed, it is of a lower division, since those are ones I really like. Here is Bill Sedgwick's Spears-sponsored Lumina from 1990.


A dive into lower NASCAR series - such as Busch North and the aforementioned Winston West - and subsequently joining some Facebook Groups dedicated to them led to my discovery of this car. My first instinct usually when coming across these lesser-known cars is to open NR and browse through the car files I've downloaded for the appropriate mod of that era, to check if I have a paint for them. Bill was no exception, and upon seeing that the only one numbered 75 was one painted by DaleJrFan95 (all others from the standard Sets were numbered 76), I immediately tasked myself with painting this car.

This car took almost two months to complete. Not because painting it or finding references was difficult (I mean, look at it), but because having to begrudgingly shift my focus away from it meant the individual steps to painting it were days, often weeks apart. But no matter how long it took, I'm still very happy with how it came out. Especially the colors, the different shades of blue on the white base look so pretty.

I decided to take a couple of liberties when painting this. Small ones, but liberties nonetheless. The first one is the tires. Bill's team oscillated between Goodyear and Hoosier tires, and the image I referenced primarily had Bill running Goodyears. I decided to put Hoosiers on instead, just because I thought it'd look more interesting. The second one was the signature. The pictures I have don't show it well, but Bill's "signature" was most likely just his name written in the Brush Script font, as countless other drivers had. Here I decided to apply his actual signature because I prefer the genuine ones over the font ones. The rest I rigidly adhered to the reference photo(s), as I usually do.

That's all I've got to show for today. I'd say I hope I don't take forever to post again, but we know how that usually goes. Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in the next one. Pip pip!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Hoosier Tires - Raceline Central (with some slight modifications by me)
Logos - Google Images, eBay, Me
Contigs - Google Images, GTSport, eBay, Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
Thank you for having faith in me Tomas, because I do in fact have something to show today.

Hello fellow members of the Armory forum. After having to put NR aside to fully focus on other things life brought, I'm back with another paint scheme. And, as you might've guessed, it is of a lower division, since those are ones I really like. Here is Bill Sedgwick's Spears-sponsored Lumina from 1990.


A dive into lower NASCAR series - such as Busch North and the aforementioned Winston West - and subsequently joining some Facebook Groups dedicated to them led to my discovery of this car. My first instinct usually when coming across these lesser-known cars is to open NR and browse through the car files I've downloaded for the appropriate mod of that era, to check if I have a paint for them. Bill was no exception, and upon seeing that the only one numbered 75 was one painted by DaleJrFan95 (all others from the standard Sets were numbered 76), I immediately tasked myself with painting this car.

This car took almost two months to complete. Not because painting it or finding references was difficult (I mean, look at it), but because having to begrudgingly shift my focus away from it meant the individual steps to painting it were days, often weeks apart. But no matter how long it took, I'm still very happy with how it came out. Especially the colors, the different shades of blue on the white base look so pretty.

I decided to take a couple of liberties when painting this. Small ones, but liberties nonetheless. The first one is the tires. Bill's team oscillated between Goodyear and Hoosier tires, and the image I referenced primarily had Bill running Goodyears. I decided to put Hoosiers on instead, just because I thought it'd look more interesting. The second one was the signature. The pictures I have don't show it well, but Bill's "signature" was most likely just his name written in the Brush Script font, as countless other drivers had. Here I decided to apply his actual signature because I prefer the genuine ones over the font ones. The rest I rigidly adhered to the reference photo(s), as I usually do.

That's all I've got to show for today. I'd say I hope I don't take forever to post again, but we know how that usually goes. Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in the next one. Pip pip!


Template - Rioux (RacinGrafix)
Render Scene - The Iceman (Stunod Racing)
Hoosier Tires - Raceline Central (with some slight modifications by me)
Logos - Google Images, eBay, Me
Contigs - Google Images, GTSport, eBay, Me
Number - Me
Base & Render - Me

Rendered in 3DS Max 9.
That is amazing! These schemes you show off are also amazing! I am looking forward for a BIG set of your work that will be available for download someday.
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