Gravis City: Industrial Zone 7 v2.0

Jun 28, 2022
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Okay, some background; this is an update to my first megaproject, and most of the updates to it over time have been decently significant.

This is what the 1.5 release of Gravis City: Industrial Zone 7 (which I often just call "Zone 7" for short) looks like. Just so y'all know where we're coming from.

Right, so there was always something that made me feel a little weird about this track. Not all of the satire that I've had to continually replace once reality makes that shit look tame (the Cancer Wind sign seems to be holding up, though!), but that Gravis City doesn't look that unlivable of a place. There's not enough parking lots that face the street, parts of it look too walkable and too pedestrian-friendly. If we're going to be doing this dystopia thing properly, we might as well actually do it right.

So below, here's Carver Street, the stroad (kinda) that takes you back into the giant walled off industrial yard. These walls are admittedly like 10 times thicker than they needed to be, but tunnel entrances are cool. There's a number of objects-displayed limit I think that this track goes over, so some objects are invisible, even though Sandbox registers them as being placed and they show up in game fine. You might notice some of the buildings are actually W sections, and that's on purpose.


The buildings at 1 (there's a building south of that) and the parking lot at 2 might be flipped around, so that there's this hellish parking lot of awfulness facing the track. That being said, doing that might kinda ruin some of the easter eggs in that parking lot (in case I didn't mention that this track has a lot of easter eggs, as in, truly a lot). So what I might do instead is flip the buildings at 3 and the parking lot at 4, because the stuff happening in that parking lot is a tick more sinister.

Like this SUV that's on fire for some reason. These fire objects are from Age of Wonders 1, and they now billboard. If you don't know what billboarding is, it's how a 2D image rotates to always face the camera.

That police car you see there? That's the default NR2003 pace car model, because I didn't want to go find another one. Does it have LODs? No, I forgot to give it LODs, but I very well might (unless the LOD state switch turns into a lag-monster, which is a problem I've had before), because I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of this police car. There's two versions of it, one with a siren animation and one without it. The ones with the siren animations have a sound file to go with them.

Now to get into one of the more ... involved ... planned changes to this track.


If there's anyone who has played the original Deus Ex before, you might recognize her. Deus Ex models looked fine for 2000. Nothing special. She's been on the track since... I think the very first release, and has been in more or less the same place, too. She has 439 points. Reasonable, I think.


Of course, I am not a reasonable person sometimes. This is the riot cop (and MJ12 soldier, UNATCO soldier, Mechanic, and a few others... since Deus Ex only had like 10 or so character models) holding a two handed weapon, which would be placed where that rogue triangle is. I plan on putting a bunch of these guys around, because race organizers are extremely awful people uhhh... Care. About. Security. Yeah, that's it. Mmhm. This guy wouldn't be the second Deus Ex model on the track -- there's two doberman dogs hanging around. So yeah, I'm adding more Deus Ex models to the track.

One last thing, there's a lot of buildings that I borrowed from Surfer's Paradise. No idea who originally made them, but either way, I added reflection maps and rooftops to them. I like it.

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427 points on this guy, I'll add him in a few places, because every hellscape needs some random corporate suits hanging around.

712 points on this guy, but I need to run him through autopas again, because all the faces on the guy are backwards. Easy fix. The gun is from Goldeneye, both human models are from Deus Ex. No dynamic lighting on either of them.
The main studio host, Karla, wears a different outfit when you flip to race, and her cohost changes from Bob Page to a random other NPC. Page moves to the flagstand when it's time for the race to start. Neither appear during test sessions.

I wanted to tie Karla's outfit to RandomSky, so it could change between practice and qualifying, but that turned out to not really work, and resulted in me accidentally figuring out (at least partially) how the NR2003 skybox script should be written. Can always try again I suppose!

Hitting that tecpro wall could result in an extremely violent accident.

...and almost a full lap around the track. Some things have been changed since this video went up.
These merch tents are from the codemasters F1 games, but they're *way* in the background and I changed the texture mapping. Would have been easier if I remade the entire model honestly, but it was a valuable learning experience. I'll make these available publicly soon.

The car needs no introduction. The inspection shed was seen on a Revamped track (and on an APT track) but the texture mapping was iffy (the fence was notably smaller when viewed from the other side), and the big Inspection sign was only on the backside of the building. My texture is probably a little bit worse, but this is being viewed in Sandbox, not in-game.

Doing cameras on this track is a pain in the ass. FPS on my machine hovers around 110, and on one of my testers' PCs, which is not exactly up-to-date hardware, even 10 years ago, it runs at 50 FPS around most of the track.

On-track preview. This is officially becoming a 2.0 release because so much has changed.


This is granstand11.3do, an object that's on TONS of tracks -- I fixed the texture mapping on the roof to put Typical Gravis City Shit on it. Since this is viewed in Sandbox there's a lot that isn't showing up.
Oooookay so here's where we get to one of the bugbears of making this track. So the TV1 camera in turn 1 is causing NR2003 to crash if it looks at a car leaving the pitlane, and I'm pretty sure that's because of how many objects are in view at one time -- or because of one object with no LOD*, because this track hits 140 FPS around the rest of the lap.

* I'd believe this a bit more if almost everything on this track didn't have a very basic LOD switch on it.

Here's what you can see in Sandbox from where the camera is, roughly;


Most objects aren't showing up because, again, there's LODs on almost everything -- and the number of objects on this track is admittedly pretty obscene, even if you can't see like 90% of them. Zooming the camera out made the problem go away but there's still a huge FPS drop.

Let's show where this is from a top-down view...


Camera location (roughly) circled in red, direction it's pointing in when the game crashes is in pink.

There was a sort of high-vert hotel (which, yes, has a generous LOD switch on it) that I'm wondering might have been the cause. Its rough location is circled in pale blue, and moved to where the lime green circle is, notably, out of view. In it's place, sort of, is this weird garage object (selected below) that's modified from one Hillcrest made a long time ago. I used it on Zanarkand as well.


I seem to remember a lot of LOD switches I was using when I made Zanarkand causing me a lot of similar problems, but I was convinced that had more to do with me using a state switch by mistake -- until now.
With the zoomed out camera and that pit garage instead of the hotel, FPS went down by about 10. Oops. So I replaced it with a building that's essentially just a box -- not a huge change there, but I like that shitty box so I might keep it there.

I may have been a bit off in what direction the camera is facing before NR hits the point it would crash -- it would be right after this point here.


Below is a top-down view from Sandbox. Approximate camera position in lime green, direction it's facing, approximately, is shown with a pink line.

I suspect it's not one single object that's making NR2003 crash, but rather how many of them are in view at once and how many vertices they all have combined, though when I broke up objects on Zanarkand, it mostly helped there.

... and these objects will be among the first to get looked at. There's a few variations of this, all of them have about 1900-2200 vertices a pop. They all have an LOD switch on them (and a Population switch as well, I think), but they still shouldn't be causing the game to explode in the way that it is. They're placed on the highways, and while I thought about making them move, it's way funnier if they don't, so they don't move.


I should mention that I'm only making an effort to fix this because I'd like that one TV1 camera to be a bit more zoomed in (and lower to the ground) than it currently is.