Any suggestions for any Reactions (these are when you can leave a Positive or Negative reaction to a post/thread or a Emoji (where you can insert the emote in your post)?
2 categories we have so far:

no emotes/reactions yet
If you have any suggestions please provide the PNG image (preferably 22x22 pixels for an emote and 32x32 pixels if it is a Reaction (include both if you think it should be for both. If it is a reaction let me know if the reaction will be a Positive or Negative one.
Obviously no offensive images will be allowed, also keep them relevant to NR2003/Nascar/Racing for the most part. Funny stuff is allowed as well for suggestions as long as it makes sense. We may not approve every singgle submission, will be on a per-basis. We may rotate some ina nd out depending ont he volume of requests too. Could polls in the future as well.
2 categories we have so far:

no emotes/reactions yet
added as a test, is an Emote and +1 ReactionIf you have any suggestions please provide the PNG image (preferably 22x22 pixels for an emote and 32x32 pixels if it is a Reaction (include both if you think it should be for both. If it is a reaction let me know if the reaction will be a Positive or Negative one.
Obviously no offensive images will be allowed, also keep them relevant to NR2003/Nascar/Racing for the most part. Funny stuff is allowed as well for suggestions as long as it makes sense. We may not approve every singgle submission, will be on a per-basis. We may rotate some ina nd out depending ont he volume of requests too. Could polls in the future as well.