ChatGPT Makes Physics Tutorial by MeandMe AKA Monkeyape v1.0.0.0
*NOTE: Not able to include all text produced due to exceeding the 20,000 characters limit please see the links at the bottom for details.*
In this tutorial, I will show you how to use ChatGPT to edit the papy_ai file to potentially, create different physics for GPL/NR2003. I have included columns from both since they are both very similar, but given that GPL as all the physics they need, this will more tailored towards NR2003, which does not have that. I included the extra columns from GPL to help it to think and create a more accurate result even if these may or may not work for NR2003, because some columns would influence others.
I have also included extra columns for NR2003, as I believe it is highly likely that they will also work (i.e. all the extra stuff in behaviour compared to the GPL papy_ai file).
I have used the GPL WSC1967 papy_ai as an example to make GT3 car physics, which I will be using for something such as NR2003’s TPTCC Mod. GPL WSC1967 Mod Team is included in the credits.
Even if what it produces is not one-hundred percent accurate, it should at least be a good base to then later tweak and adjust to your liking.
No way of telling if it is going to be 100% accurate of not having been in a GT3 car. Nevertheless, it would be different. There is also apparently more physics editing in the .exe which is unexplored for me. The bottom line is it at least explains the definitions further, which was unexpected but welcoming to do own from scratch.
ChatGPT may since this actually also improve to be more accurate in the future.
Please note: I am not an expert at editing physics and may not be able to fix all issues if it creates a misleading result.
What You Need
-A good papy_ai example (similar to what you want as to get good/goodish results like what I am doing)
-ChatGPT (have to sign up)
-Back up the original papy_ai you are editing so you don’t lose it. (Original gpl_ai, and the NR2003 papy_ai are included for editing purposes).
-Ratings on your mod of choice, for GPL that would be the divers.ini file (which are likely already done).
Let’s get into it, more of this is self-explanatory, I will add input/images where needed. I would feed it the gpl_ai as an example, as it has more values and it might just think how it would influence other values.
First, I told it what I have, and then I asked it why it gave the numbers it did. Instead, it defined the definitions further, which was a bonus.
Note: You cannot space text to press enter. I have made some mistakes a few times, so be careful. As long as the text is in there, press the mail/send button. Furthermore, extra decimal points are given to six places, which would later increase the chance of new/more values.
When in conversation, I have “(Me)” and “(ChatGPT)” to distinguish when I am in conversation or not.
(Me) Hi, ChatGPT. Here is an example of a physics setup for Grand Prix Legends for the World Sports car Championship 1967. I am going to now give each section individually, based on the data values given; do you think you can then create your own physics values for a group GT3 car?
Please explain justification for each these values at the bottom.
My Notes: ChatGPT was meant to come up with new numbers for how it thinks a GT3 car can handle. They would be different for a 1967 WSC car. The explanation was welcome
The first section is behaviour. It is presented like this:

(Rest of text was included)
My Notes: ChatGPT actually explains each section even better! Yet to create physics though.

It now explains the rest where it stopped.
(Me) Now can you further explain these? (Rest of above)
I then told it to come up with new and different numbers. Also you do not have to explain each point if you don’t want to.
(Me) This explanation was welcome and unexpected. Thank you! Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 car can handle. The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed.
Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's behavior:

My Notes: ChatGPT’s Memory for previous sections has improved
I did the same for the remaining columns.
(Me) So first, can you explain further what these mean please. (Sections For Mechanical)

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars mechanical section should be? The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. The statistics may be more reliable than the example values as these were from older sports cars.
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's mechanical section:

Note: There are four new physics since GPL, which are at the bottom. Add these for NR2003.
(Me) Thank you! Next is the physics, can you explain what these mean further?

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars physics section should be? The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. This is one of if not the most important sections to be accurate, as this is what makes it distinctive from other physics. Another section(s) plays hand in hand with this section.
*(So far, it is likely that this can be used as an accurate base for a GT3 car. (I like the way you made it less powerful but similar to what I assume is a more powerful World Sportscar Championship 1967 Car)*. (Sentence binned to avoid contamination of results).
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's physics section:

I then asked it for the ASC section (which is NR2003 only). I asked it what ASC actually meant, it looks good so far with what it’s generating.
(Me) The Next section is ASC. I do not know what ASC stands for, can you describe it? As well as the definitions below, thank you.

As well as telling it to be accurate in the physics section, I told it, that some of the values in here could have an impact on the values above, which I felt was important. The ASC section may effect Adaptive opponent strength In NR2003.
(Me) Great! Thank you, I suspected this exactly when playing the game. Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars ASC section should be? The values should be different form the original values given for each section but only if you think they are needed! You can estimate the values if needed. This is another important section to be accurate, as from personal experience in the game, the physics section, can already have an influence on this section, e.g. from ASC:
max_str_delta_neg ; max ai strength variation per second, when slowing down
max_str_delta_pos ; max ai strength variation per second, when speeding up
str_min ; minimum possible ai strength
str_max ; maximum possible ai strength
are already influenced by this from physics: max_ws_interval ; max time(ticks) to stop wheelspin
min_ws_interval ; min time(ticks) to stop wheelspin
Physics to reduce wheel spin will already increase the min and max ai strength because of faster acceleration and torque should be noted.

(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new values for a GT3 car's ASC section, taking into consideration the influence of physics and the need for accurate adjustment of AI strength:

(Me) Fantastic! Next section is car class parameters. Can you explain what these definitions mean?

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars, car class perimeter (GP Section) should be? The values should be different form the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. This is another important section to be accurate. Thanks
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new values for a GT3 car's car class parameters (GP section):

Note: ChatGPT keeps reminding one to research your own if not accurate, before it would have gone that yes this is 100% accurate. I think that this is an improvement. Your own testing is definitely required, I guess. Also note: Regenerating the response may come up with slightly different numbers than before.
(Me) O.k., Thank you for the values, I will test what I have got so far and see what happens in the game. Seeing how good this looks already, It’s highly likely I will come back with a different physics set to create and a few extra columns in the future.
(ChatGPT) You're welcome! I'm glad the values provided so far look promising, and I'm confident that they will enhance the realism and performance of the GT3 car in the game. Feel free to test them and make any necessary adjustments based on your game play experience.
If you have, any further questions or need assistance in the future, whether it's creating a different physics set or adding extra columns, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help! Good luck with your project, and I hope you have a fantastic time refining and enjoying the GT3 car in the game!

(Me) Hi again, I have some leftover columns for the physics section. First, can you explain further, what they mean?

(Me) Good. Now can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars physics section should be for the remaining columns? The values should be different form the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed.

I then added the values to a spare NR2003 papy_ai file where relevant, and alphabetically to be organised, in each section. I will now test it in the game to see what it does. Example is included, and may become an official download if works. (See Group GT3 Car Folder).
One more thing to add, is the remaining car classes for NR2003, such as CTS, GNS, and PTA. It makes sure that you are using it for all physics, even if you have an edited.exe

I might move the GT3 Physics Example into the downloads section soon, and explain how different it feels in its own read me.
I tested the different ASC column with the original physics, and it seems to be a bit more challenging that the original. You could ask it to create something more challenging or easier if you want to, it seems noticeably different from the original.
You could even ask to edit grip setting in a track .ini but have not tested that yet.
Pressing regenerate response may give different results, and also I don’t know if it is more accurate when you ask it to describe what each section means first, like I did, because it shows what it means.
When finished, place the A.I. folder in your NR2003 directory (C:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 2003 Season) Copy the correct papy_ai physics depending on what you made e.g. Group GT3 Car when using the TPTCC Mod. Start the game. Copy the default papy_ai, when using the normal mod or others, after exiting the game.
Note: the default papy_ai in the A.I. folder has not been edited but you can place your default one here if you like.
The papy_ai file you made will also works on the other main physics.
Next, I will need to test to see if the GPL values will work in NR2003, and futures I missed such as driver, driver modelling, magic and the “fuzzy line parameters”. I left these out because I did not want to mess up any track; I do not know what the full effects of editing this will be. I left NR2003’s driver column out due to no definitions, and was, to some extent, less confident with what any changes would do to it.
I will come back to any of the missed columns later for improvements.
Enjoy it!
PDF Available Here
A.I. Files To Edit
GT3 Example
-Myself (MeandMe AKA Monkeyape for Papy_ai File Edit)

-GPL Mod Team (For World Sportscar Championship 1967 (2018) Original Papy_ai values examples))
-OpenAI (ChatGPT and value generations)
-Papyrus Racing Games (Papy_ai Design: Since 1998 GPL and Papy_ai files)
*The tutorials are clones on both the ones on Stunod and Armory Digital and EFR. Check below in case of questions and answers on both* (Stunod) (EFR)
Also Advertised Here
*NOTE: Not able to include all text produced due to exceeding the 20,000 characters limit please see the links at the bottom for details.*
In this tutorial, I will show you how to use ChatGPT to edit the papy_ai file to potentially, create different physics for GPL/NR2003. I have included columns from both since they are both very similar, but given that GPL as all the physics they need, this will more tailored towards NR2003, which does not have that. I included the extra columns from GPL to help it to think and create a more accurate result even if these may or may not work for NR2003, because some columns would influence others.
I have also included extra columns for NR2003, as I believe it is highly likely that they will also work (i.e. all the extra stuff in behaviour compared to the GPL papy_ai file).
I have used the GPL WSC1967 papy_ai as an example to make GT3 car physics, which I will be using for something such as NR2003’s TPTCC Mod. GPL WSC1967 Mod Team is included in the credits.
Even if what it produces is not one-hundred percent accurate, it should at least be a good base to then later tweak and adjust to your liking.
No way of telling if it is going to be 100% accurate of not having been in a GT3 car. Nevertheless, it would be different. There is also apparently more physics editing in the .exe which is unexplored for me. The bottom line is it at least explains the definitions further, which was unexpected but welcoming to do own from scratch.
ChatGPT may since this actually also improve to be more accurate in the future.
Please note: I am not an expert at editing physics and may not be able to fix all issues if it creates a misleading result.
What You Need
-A good papy_ai example (similar to what you want as to get good/goodish results like what I am doing)
-ChatGPT (have to sign up)
-Back up the original papy_ai you are editing so you don’t lose it. (Original gpl_ai, and the NR2003 papy_ai are included for editing purposes).
-Ratings on your mod of choice, for GPL that would be the divers.ini file (which are likely already done).
Let’s get into it, more of this is self-explanatory, I will add input/images where needed. I would feed it the gpl_ai as an example, as it has more values and it might just think how it would influence other values.
First, I told it what I have, and then I asked it why it gave the numbers it did. Instead, it defined the definitions further, which was a bonus.
Note: You cannot space text to press enter. I have made some mistakes a few times, so be careful. As long as the text is in there, press the mail/send button. Furthermore, extra decimal points are given to six places, which would later increase the chance of new/more values.
When in conversation, I have “(Me)” and “(ChatGPT)” to distinguish when I am in conversation or not.
(Me) Hi, ChatGPT. Here is an example of a physics setup for Grand Prix Legends for the World Sports car Championship 1967. I am going to now give each section individually, based on the data values given; do you think you can then create your own physics values for a group GT3 car?
Please explain justification for each these values at the bottom.
My Notes: ChatGPT was meant to come up with new numbers for how it thinks a GT3 car can handle. They would be different for a 1967 WSC car. The explanation was welcome
The first section is behaviour. It is presented like this:

(Rest of text was included)
My Notes: ChatGPT actually explains each section even better! Yet to create physics though.

It now explains the rest where it stopped.
(Me) Now can you further explain these? (Rest of above)
I then told it to come up with new and different numbers. Also you do not have to explain each point if you don’t want to.
(Me) This explanation was welcome and unexpected. Thank you! Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 car can handle. The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed.
Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's behavior:

My Notes: ChatGPT’s Memory for previous sections has improved
I did the same for the remaining columns.
(Me) So first, can you explain further what these mean please. (Sections For Mechanical)

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars mechanical section should be? The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. The statistics may be more reliable than the example values as these were from older sports cars.
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's mechanical section:

Note: There are four new physics since GPL, which are at the bottom. Add these for NR2003.
(Me) Thank you! Next is the physics, can you explain what these mean further?

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars physics section should be? The values should be different from the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. This is one of if not the most important sections to be accurate, as this is what makes it distinctive from other physics. Another section(s) plays hand in hand with this section.
*(So far, it is likely that this can be used as an accurate base for a GT3 car. (I like the way you made it less powerful but similar to what I assume is a more powerful World Sportscar Championship 1967 Car)*. (Sentence binned to avoid contamination of results).
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new and different values for a GT3 car's physics section:

I then asked it for the ASC section (which is NR2003 only). I asked it what ASC actually meant, it looks good so far with what it’s generating.
(Me) The Next section is ASC. I do not know what ASC stands for, can you describe it? As well as the definitions below, thank you.

As well as telling it to be accurate in the physics section, I told it, that some of the values in here could have an impact on the values above, which I felt was important. The ASC section may effect Adaptive opponent strength In NR2003.
(Me) Great! Thank you, I suspected this exactly when playing the game. Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars ASC section should be? The values should be different form the original values given for each section but only if you think they are needed! You can estimate the values if needed. This is another important section to be accurate, as from personal experience in the game, the physics section, can already have an influence on this section, e.g. from ASC:
max_str_delta_neg ; max ai strength variation per second, when slowing down
max_str_delta_pos ; max ai strength variation per second, when speeding up
str_min ; minimum possible ai strength
str_max ; maximum possible ai strength
are already influenced by this from physics: max_ws_interval ; max time(ticks) to stop wheelspin
min_ws_interval ; min time(ticks) to stop wheelspin
Physics to reduce wheel spin will already increase the min and max ai strength because of faster acceleration and torque should be noted.

(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new values for a GT3 car's ASC section, taking into consideration the influence of physics and the need for accurate adjustment of AI strength:

(Me) Fantastic! Next section is car class parameters. Can you explain what these definitions mean?

(Me) Can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars, car class perimeter (GP Section) should be? The values should be different form the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed. This is another important section to be accurate. Thanks
(ChatGPT) Certainly! Here are proposed new values for a GT3 car's car class parameters (GP section):

Note: ChatGPT keeps reminding one to research your own if not accurate, before it would have gone that yes this is 100% accurate. I think that this is an improvement. Your own testing is definitely required, I guess. Also note: Regenerating the response may come up with slightly different numbers than before.
(Me) O.k., Thank you for the values, I will test what I have got so far and see what happens in the game. Seeing how good this looks already, It’s highly likely I will come back with a different physics set to create and a few extra columns in the future.
(ChatGPT) You're welcome! I'm glad the values provided so far look promising, and I'm confident that they will enhance the realism and performance of the GT3 car in the game. Feel free to test them and make any necessary adjustments based on your game play experience.
If you have, any further questions or need assistance in the future, whether it's creating a different physics set or adding extra columns, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help! Good luck with your project, and I hope you have a fantastic time refining and enjoying the GT3 car in the game!

(Me) Hi again, I have some leftover columns for the physics section. First, can you explain further, what they mean?

(Me) Good. Now can you now come up with new and different numbers for how you think a GT3 cars physics section should be for the remaining columns? The values should be different form the original values given for each section. You can estimate the values if needed.

I then added the values to a spare NR2003 papy_ai file where relevant, and alphabetically to be organised, in each section. I will now test it in the game to see what it does. Example is included, and may become an official download if works. (See Group GT3 Car Folder).
One more thing to add, is the remaining car classes for NR2003, such as CTS, GNS, and PTA. It makes sure that you are using it for all physics, even if you have an edited.exe

I might move the GT3 Physics Example into the downloads section soon, and explain how different it feels in its own read me.
I tested the different ASC column with the original physics, and it seems to be a bit more challenging that the original. You could ask it to create something more challenging or easier if you want to, it seems noticeably different from the original.
You could even ask to edit grip setting in a track .ini but have not tested that yet.
Pressing regenerate response may give different results, and also I don’t know if it is more accurate when you ask it to describe what each section means first, like I did, because it shows what it means.
When finished, place the A.I. folder in your NR2003 directory (C:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 2003 Season) Copy the correct papy_ai physics depending on what you made e.g. Group GT3 Car when using the TPTCC Mod. Start the game. Copy the default papy_ai, when using the normal mod or others, after exiting the game.
Note: the default papy_ai in the A.I. folder has not been edited but you can place your default one here if you like.
The papy_ai file you made will also works on the other main physics.
Next, I will need to test to see if the GPL values will work in NR2003, and futures I missed such as driver, driver modelling, magic and the “fuzzy line parameters”. I left these out because I did not want to mess up any track; I do not know what the full effects of editing this will be. I left NR2003’s driver column out due to no definitions, and was, to some extent, less confident with what any changes would do to it.
I will come back to any of the missed columns later for improvements.
Enjoy it!
PDF Available Here

ChatGPT Makes Physics Tutorial By MeandMe AKA Monkeyape v1.0.0.0
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
A.I. Files To Edit
GT3 Example

Group GT3 Car Example
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
-Myself (MeandMe AKA Monkeyape for Papy_ai File Edit)

-GPL Mod Team (For World Sportscar Championship 1967 (2018) Original Papy_ai values examples))
-OpenAI (ChatGPT and value generations)
-Papyrus Racing Games (Papy_ai Design: Since 1998 GPL and Papy_ai files)
*The tutorials are clones on both the ones on Stunod and Armory Digital and EFR. Check below in case of questions and answers on both* (Stunod) (EFR)
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