These are some custom copyright splashscreen images i've made that you get when you start the game
(number 5 is my favorite)
all edited by me.
Images - Google
Editing - me.
Var. 1
Var. 2
Var. 3
Var. 4
Var. 5
Last updated 3-18-2022
This with be the 10th year in a row I have delivered new Splash Screens for NR2003. This year falling on the 20th Anniversary of NR2003 I recreated the classic logo along with a '20th Anniversary' extended logo of the classic one.
One of the Splash Screens commemorates many of the mods the game...
Add-on info:
These are new copyright.stp’s that replace the intro Splash screen of NR2003.
For previous years you can view the full index:
How to install to NR2003:
To add a Splash Screen to NR2003 simply copy one of the new copyright.stp...