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  1. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    I really like that Autodesk Honda!
  2. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    That Halo 4 car is siiick, I really like the colors and crazy layers on it!! I've been following this thread and the ICR series for a while since fictional paintschemes are my favourite (also the new version of armory superspeedway is great). Can't wait to see what you'll paint next!
  3. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    Great paintschemes! Especially the one with Xbox sponsorship which reminds me of that one you painted for the cup 2015 mod: I do like your fantasy schemes, drivers, tracks (and the ICR Series as a whole) as they're always top...
  4. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    Amazing paintschemes as always! That GoodWrench 15 is awesome! Any plans on releasing these? Are the downloads going to be separated as each version comes out?
  5. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    Great paintschemes! Will you plan on doing some alternate ones too?
  6. Active NR2003 Sites

    NR2K3 Weebly - Great website for mods, tracks, carsets and other nr2003 resources! Gets updated everytime a new mod or track comes out, useful for finding alternate schemes and ratings of drivers competing in the cup series! Even has a tutorial section that helps you...
  7. Active NR2003 Sites

    NR2003 Track Index - A spreadsheet with (every?) NR2003 track/s sorted by size (superspeedway, intermediate, short tracks, road courses, and so on....) and year. Found this website 2 years ago on...
  8. ICR Series Paint Schemes (Official)

    That Dark Souls Mitsubishi is so neat!!
  9. NR2003 Screenshot and Video Thread

    Three wide finish at Michigan with the ICR mod.