Version: 1.0 – [2/17/2022]
Car Set info:
These cars are a combination of all competing current teams in the official ICR Series. Hundreds of unique teams spread across different divisions race to advance to the next higher division.
How to install to NR2003:
Unzip the folder and copy all the files within the cars folder to your NR2003 directory: NR2003/Series/Cars folder for the ICR Mod.
Note: There are hundreds of unique cars included in this set. Included is a default roster with all drivers selected. If you want a more curated experience please create a new roster with the select cars you want to race against. Several teams use the same car # as well, if you want drivers with similar numbers to race in the same event add a 0 or 1 in front of the driver info car # data in Opponent Manager menu.
This carset is currently ACTIVE meaning new updates to this carset will appear on the website. Updates will most likely occur 1-2 times every year which includes but not limited to: New drivers, alternative schemes, driver ratings tweaks, and any minor paint scheme errors that previously existed.