Arctic Wasteland II Objects For NR2003

Misc Arctic Wasteland II Objects For NR2003 v1.000

Arctic Wasteland II Objects Read Me v1.000

Note: Anything that also applies to GPL has (GPL Note) Next to it. Please Ignore for NR2003.

After I saw what was possible with object conversion with the Zanarkand and track, it inspired me to do my own conversions. I know any conversion is now possible to NR2003, especially since it was not even a windows game, and was extracted via a PS2/3 emulator.

This came about by working out: how I can use a ready-made object for NR2003.

All my objects and materials are free to use, as they were free in the first place.

The objects and sounds are created by Terminal Reality's Malibu350, and was converted to MTM2 by Malibu350, and I converted them using the same techniques as before to NR2003. I can also more directly convert from 4x4 Evo 1 and 2 if I need to.

I don’t know about you, but the converted 4x4 Evo tracks in MTM2 seem more fun to me, as the game is more complete.


-Never seen before objects in NR2003 (See Images), including the first submarine, treasure chest, arctic cat vehicle and more.

-Already well mapped (There are no bits of transparent areas sticking out).

-Low Polygon count under the limit (MTMs might be much lower) this does not mean a reduction of quality.

-Priority is upped to 4, for a sharper image via WinMip2, and seen at all distances is ticked. I have kept the original encrypted file name for posterity.

-Mip files with same 3do where possible (name easier to find), although this time, most had different names.

For the GPL download, none had to be renamed as all fitted the eight character limit. (GPL Note)

Examples in 3D Sim Ed

Arc Berg 1.jpg

Arc Berg 2.jpg

Arc Berg 3.jpg

Arctic Base.jpg

Arctic Cat Vehicle.jpg


Building 1.jpg

Checkpoint Stand.jpg

Fence 1.jpg

Fence 2.jpg

Flag With Stand.jpg

Gun Turrents For Ship - 01.jpg

Gun Turrents For Ship - 02.jpg

Gun Turrents For Ship - 03.jpg

Gun Turrents For Ship - 04.jpg


Numbers 1-6.jpg

Plane Wreck Part 1.jpg

Plane Wreck Part 2.jpg

Radar 1.jpg

Radar 2.jpg

Radar 3.jpg

Radar 4.jpg


Satellite Stand.jpg

Ship Part 1.jpg

Ship Part 2.jpg

Ship Part 3.jpg

Snowy Arc.jpg



Tresure Chest.jpg

Notes on Objects

Not really much to add at the time being, some notes are inside the download,
mostly telling you if the same mip is used.

Also thank you to Phil W. telling me about Phil Flack’s ase2-3do to get objects to work a bit better in GPL. I used Ase2-3do where possible although some were stubborn. No object collision is added yet, I heard from the ase2-3do readme that it might not be what everyone wants, tell me what you think and I might see if I need to add any (Not learnt yet however) (GPL Note).

2D Objects
2D objects; I have decided to work in 3D Sim Ed and is now included.

3D Animation
Some objects were meant to move into one position and back. These are the radars, and the gun turrents for the ship.

Arc Berg
The ice rocks all unfortunately had some issues. First the .mip file would be mostly blacked out, then the objects themselves, would be broken, possibly due to lighting effects on them. (GPL Note).

The numbers are situated exactly 10.5meters on the checkpoint stand, and yes, sometimes 2D objects do not show correctly in 3D Sim Ed but they do work.
The numbers would not convert in ase2-3do, the 3D Sim Ed version of this is included instead. Apparently, simple objects are o.k. from 3D Sim Ed only, i.e. 2D objects. Let me know in the comments if yours works. (GPL Note)

Track Textures

I have not released the surface track textures as they are in hundreds of tiny 28x28 squares and if I do end up recreating a circuit from the game. It’s likely that I may use different ones. When enlarged they are in a low quality. This does not happen in the game itself.


Two of these do not work, e.g. radars two and three, I read in the ase2-3do instructions that lighting applied to an object can cause it not to work, and ase-2-3do to crash. In my case it was the strange case of ase2-3do not being able to eliminate snow on two of these, but one and four work fine. There very similar anyway. (GPL Note)


For the ramp if you do know the types of object collision I would recommend it. It means you would be able to ride the ramp, similar to the loop in super slotcar racing track. (GPL Note)

The ship is in three pieces because it saves the vertices count on a single object rather than all in one together. This was like this originally.

Treasure Chest

The treasure chest is supposed to be an unused feature of 4x4 Evo, where if you bump into one you win some money. The money was meant to be spent on upgrading your vehicle, and customising parts, but that doesn’t’ mean theirs no use for it in NR2003 or GPL, who will be the one that finds these in your tracks? (as long as you don’t give away where they are in your readme, and accessing them is not blocked by walls).

I believe doing this is also called an Easter egg or eye candy or something. :)

Sounds (Not Needed For GPL)

Sounds are included, you can rename these to be crowd or announcer if needed. (GPL Note)

I have included .wav sound files ready to be used with objects extracted from the original track. To use these. You have to apply them to your object within the track you are working on; they do not work by just placing them in your sound folder.

In sandbox when in the Object Placement View, click on your object that you want the sound on, then in Track Side Object Properties, notice the column that says sound file. In that box you then write the exact same name as your desired sound, but remember to put .wav at the end of it or it will not work (or a different file extension if necessary). Finally place the sounds in your sound folder after saving the track correctly.

I keep a folder named Track Add-on Sounds to keep track of each track sounds, then have a folder named All with all the add-on sounds so when I switch between different sounds, I could just copy and paste that into the current sound folder I am using.

A huge benefit of this is the sounds play constantly instead of just the start of a race (as long as you are driving or in replay, at live feed).
Let me know if sounds are working on your PC if using them, some sound/sound packs may or may not make all of these play but it is worth a shot.

I have used “x_” then “sound_name” as my files for easy location; please let me know if there is any issue regarding same technique/names as others.

How I did my objects

I used Mystical’s tutorials; I watched mainly parts II - (Part 2) and III - (Part 3) which was the most important, save to 3do format. I worked out that I did not need to make an object from scratch; I just needed to learn to save it to the correct format.

I also had Zmodellerv1.07b, which extracts .bin models into 3DS files, which is very readable by 3D Sim Ed.

If you are a MTM track maker, it is good that all the models already have a vertices limit so it is nowhere near 3000~ or so vertices.

I will release a full tutorial on how I did it in the future forum, under Tips Tutorials and How To, including a FREE 3D Sim Ed 3 to use (sorry if you have already purchased it).

- (Use To Get Free 3D SimEd (Search was 3D sim Ed Crack))

Please read the comments.

More people should take up sandbox track making, it is nowhere near as hard as I thought it would be... and it is making the game better.

Please let me know if the objects are not working correctly and I will try to redo them. I will include them in an update.
Enjoy them!

-Dave Noonan (3D Sim Ed)
-Mystical (AD Designs)
-Phil Flack and Phil W. (Ase2-3do)
-ProJektCarModZ (3D Sim Ed Crack)
-Terminal Reality’s Malibu350 (Objects)
-WinMip 2

*Note: There is no Track 3dos or Track Mip Files so I placed it under Miscellaneous Addons*

Download available on Stunod

(Go-To Download Button Above)

Download Was Also Advertised Here (EFR) (SRMZ)

GPL Version Here (SRMZ) (GPLR.SRMZ)

Thanks for downloading, and I will catch you in the next one.



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